Security System
Nowadays, keeping your home safe is a high priority. Our Complete Home Automation provides a security system with recent technological upgrades to the home. All the security systems are wireless, where you can learn and adopt the new technology with smartphones and touch panel systems. The most common feature is the CCTV camera, intrusion system, and gas leak sensor. We will explore how these technologies make you valuable and keep you safe

Intrusion System
Intrusion System
An intrusion system to detect suspicious activities and generate alerts. Even, if there is manual security, we have robberies and, bank loots taking place, and coming out of such things we use this intrusion system. We complete Home Automation is providing this Intrusion System technology to safeguard public and private property without your belongings.
Gas leakage
Gas leaks will occur on both commercial and residential levels. We need to have some safety precautions to have a gas leak detection system, that will safeguard your home from such activities. We complete Home Automation provides this system for protecting you and your family from such gas leakages.

Gas Leakage

CCTV system
Nowadays, we get a lot of evidence through CCTV Cameras, which has helped in many cases. It is the system that is monitored, for surveillance and security purposes and not for publicity purposes. Our complete Home automation has good camera clarity for strategic placement and observation input for monitoring somewhere.